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By Credit Card By Check/Mail By Telephone:
(661) 633-9076 A tax-deductible receipt will be provided for donations of $250 or more. This is a program of Garden Pathways, Inc., tax identification number: 77-0442212.

Important Information
The National Register of Health Service Providers in Psychology has pulled together a list of credentialed psychologists who have volunteered to offer healthcare services to the victims and their families.

The National Institute of Mental Health, has a special section on Helping Children and Adolescents Cope with Violence and Disasters

Free legal help for 9-11 victims Trial lawyers across the nation provide free legal services to the September 11th terrorist attack victims. English: (888) 780-8637
Spanish: (888) 780-8682

Help the children who lost parents on 9/11The greatest tribute we can raise to honor those 
	lost is their kids.

Letter to Donors/Financial Update

Dear Friends of the Twin Towers Orphan Fund:

On September 11th 2001, each of the nearly 1,000 children in the TTOF trust fund lost parents to terrorism. Born from the ashes of the Twin Towers, the pentagon and the four downed airliners, these children began a new life of loss and sorrow, of uncertainty and need, of pain and struggle; a life in need of faith and love and compassion. Through your contributions to the Twin Towers Orphan Fund, you have made a profoundly positive impact in the lives of these children.

Not a disaster relief agency but a long-term health and educational public trust, the Twin Towers Orphan Fund was founded to provide higher educational assistance as well as physical and mental health care assistance to those children who lost one or both parents on 9/11. This means tuition assistance, room and board, books, lab fees and other necessary expenses of a college education. It also means helping with deductibles on health insurance, examination and prescription co-pays and other valid medical expenses not covered by insurance. It means post-traumatic stress disorder treatments and therapies, and it also means helping with elementary and secondary academic tutoring. And as many other legitimate mental and physical health care needs we can assist with.

As of February 1, 2003, TTOF has raised $5.5 million dollars.

Approximately $2.6 million has been distributed to fund nearly 650 individual tax-exempt higher educational savings accounts in the names of the children. When each child reaches age 18, they will be able to draw from these accounts to help pay for higher educational expenses. TTOF has also allocated $125,000 to assist those children currently in college. An additional $1.5 million has been allocated for physical and mental health care assistance.

TTOF is supporting children from 18 states and territories -- 35% of these children are 5 and younger, including 42 babies. The parent/guardian for each child has been personally contacted and counseled, provided with additional information on other funds and charities that would be of benefit to them, and referred to service providers.

Early on, the fund's goal was $50,000 per registered child. We currently have approximately $4,000 for college and health for each. Over the next twenty five years, an additional $45 million is required if we are to ensure quality health care and higher education for the children of 9/11.

We would like to thank you for your continued support of the Twin Towers Orphan Fund. Please know we are personally working with each family, with care and compassion. And we will continue to do so.


W. Knox Richardson, TTOF Founder and Program Manager
Michele Weaver, TTOF Co-Founder and Program Manager

Twin Towers
Orphan Fund

1401 19th Street
Suite 130
Bakersfield, CA 93301
(661) 633-9076

W. Knox Richardson
(408) 499-7146,

Michele Weaver
Bakersfield, CA
(661) 633-9076,

© 2001 Twin Towers Orphan Fund
Website provided by Terraformers

About TTOF: Overview About TTOF: Mission About TTOF: Update to Donors